Chemo Care Kit Request
Beyond Basic Needs is committed to providing essential Chemo Care Kits to those in need.
Currently, we are out of stock due to overwhelming demand. However, we are actively fundraising to replenish our supply and resume shipping.
Your support is crucial in this endeavor. By making a donation, you directly contribute to our mission of providing comfort and care to individuals undergoing treatment.
If you’re interested in receiving a chemo care kit once they become available, please take a moment to fill out the form below to join our waitlist.
IMPORTANT: We only ship to US addresses.
Make a Donation
Thanks to generous donors, Chemo Care Kits are free of charge for cancer warriors undergoing chemo. 100% of the money we raise goes directly to the kits.
We will not sell your information. The information collected here will be utilized to ship the package. Your information is requested in case the address doesn’t register in our shipping systems.

Here are some of the goodies we include in each kit