We Provide Hope
To Those in Need

Help us create a better today for cancer warriors undergoing chemo.

We Need Your Help

Beyond Basic Needs is committed to providing essential Chemo Care Kits to those in need.

Currently, we are out of stock due to overwhelming demand. However, we are actively fundraising to replenish our supply and resume shipping.

Your support is crucial. By making a donation, you directly contribute to our mission of providing comfort and care to individuals undergoing chemo treatments.

Our Mission

For Cancer Warriors undergoing chemotherapy, we provide Chemo Care Kits. We believe these kits inspire, uplift, and help our community thrive during this challenging time.

Donations to Beyond Basic Needs goes to fulfilling these kits at no cost to the recipient.


Cancer Warriors Supported




Volunteer Board Members

chemo care kit

Chemo Care Kits

A Chemo Care Kit is designed for cancer warriors undergoing chemotherapy. Each kit contains a port pillow, comfy socks, lip balm, and a variety of goodies that these warriors deserve.

A Port Pillow protects the port from the seat belt.

What People Are Saying About Our Chemo Care Kits

At Beyond Basic Needs, we meet cancer warriors where they are on their journey. Our Chemo Care Kits support cancer warriors through their treatments.


My wife is still early in her journey. She was diagnosed with HER2+ and is now 2 chemo treatments in. She is only 38 with no family history of cancer, we have 3 children 11, 8, and 5 so our house is wild and crazy at all times. It’s tough seeing her have to struggle and fight the symptoms from chemo but she is strong and we have a lot of support with friends and family. We appreciate all support, help and prayers during this time!


Thank you for contacting me and for sending your care package. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and have had a radical mastectomy. I am now starting my year of chemo and targeted therapy. I have been searching for any help I can. Here in Hawai’i we unfortunately do not have the resources found on the mainland. I also live on a big island which has a much smaller population than Oahu and even less resources, in fact, I currently have already seen three oncologists (and will be on my fourth by the next chemo round) as we cannot keep them on our island due to cost of living and pay wages. I have been searching online for support and was using Google to search for organizations that can help with care packages and found your site. Again I thank you for your time and thoughtfulness.


Today has been a bit rough, but you’ve ended it wonderfully!
Thank you for all the amazing work that you do! You give us terminal patients a little touch of hope!


I’m so appreciative of what you’re doing for your fellow pink sisters. Your story has given me a sense of hope!


I am a caregiver for my husband with terminal cancer. He is doing very well right now, for which we are very grateful. I was looking for resources to help myself cope with being a caregiver (going on 4 years now) and came across your website. I thought it might brighten his day to receive this in the mail.


Thank you so much – that package was indeed a wonderful pick-me-up. Chemo has been tough- and I have many more to go. The port pillow is amazing- I really needed that so I can properly use the seatbelt. You really nailed it with lip balm and the other goodies. The face masks are still needed, that’s for certain.


Every package your organization sends is truly making a difference in someone’s life.

What you are doing is absolutely amazing, and so very much appreciated. Thank you again for everything you are doing for others.


Thank you very much. I requested the chemo care kit for my son, he is 15 and in treatment. He has brain cancer. I appreciate your support and encouragement.


I received my packaged today. Thank you. I love 💕 everything you sent me.


God bless you! I can’t begin to describe the timing of this email. I am so inspired by your dedication to helping cancer warriors and I pray that I may become one so that I may help and give back too. 

Chemotherapy is a battle and by the grace of God, I keep getting up, showing up and will never give up.


Just having you reach out has made me cry. People are so cold and stare at you. This is the loneliest experience I have ever felt.

I thank you for reaching out and for the support you are sending me. Nobody tells you about the side effects or how you will start to feel inhuman. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart.


Thank you. I so appreciate the Chemo Care Kit. I heard about your organization through a friend of a friend, an acquaintance, and through the cancer survivor chain, a person gets to know as traveling on this journey.

Thank you for helping me thrive. Yes, indeed, there are many challenges we face. There are hard days, then really rough days, and some better days. Keep going, never stop, and one foot in front of the other. Keeping hope and positivity.


Thank you!!!! I found you 1 night when I could not sleep because all kinds of things were going through my head and noticed that you cared for chemo people, so I really thank you.

Unfortunately, for chemo and cancer, I’ve lost a lot of friends. I guess it’s just as hard for people to understand what diseases do to people, but I’m still fighting.


Thank you for doing what you do and supporting all of us from afar.


Thank you so much for the email and for the care package. It is so sweet of you to offer, and your services sound wonderful. I appreciate the information and support!


Yes, I received the care package, and I thank you so much! Very thoughtfully put together.


We just got it today and thank you so much for all the goodies!!! Truly thankful.


I did receive the chemo care kit. Thank you so much. Everything included was perfect and will definitely be used. I appreciate it so much thank you.


Thank you, I did receive it. I appreciate your organization’s generosity and kindness.


I actually received my package yesterday! Just in time as this week, I had a complication at chemo where my needle backed out of the port and chemo leaked into my chest/arm so the port pillow has come in SO handy today. I want to thank you so much for the package, everything I received was so thoughtful and appreciated. Once I am better I would like to get in contact with you to see how I can help give back. I would love to turn my situation into a positive and help others feel hope!


I did get the kit and so appreciate it. There was way more than I expected, so it was a very nice surprise. Thanks again for all you do!


I can’t thank you enough! I did receive it and I’m so very grateful!


I just received it yesterday. Thank you so much! What a sweet packet of goodies! 🥰


I received the chemo care kit yesterday. Thank you! Very thoughtful and most appreciated.


A chemo care kit came to our home yesterday. There was so much more than just the cute pillow! Such a wonderful surprise and much needed smile. Thank you so much for this! I can’t tell you how grateful I am for humans like you! Wishing you all of the very best.


I received the chemo care kit. Thank you for sending that as it is very helpful. I really appreciate the support.


I received the package last week. It’s so nice to have support from all around. Thank you so much.


Thanks so much. It is extremely thoughtful for you to do this. I will certainly keep Beyond Basic Needs in my mind as needs will arise.


Thank you, just knowing such kindness exists out there has lightened my load. Thank you again!


Thank you so much for everything. I loved all the little touches that came with it. It truly made my day.


Thank you for the chemo care kit. I received it a few weeks ago. I appreciate the support and kindness!


Thank you so much! Yes I received it. I truly appreciate all that you do!


Thank you for checking on me. Yes, I did receive the package and I LOVE all the extra stuff y’all sent. It is much appreciated. Y’all are the best!!


Thank you so much! I did receive that package and am so grateful for the thoughtful gifts. Thank you again!


Just want to say THANK YOU for the kit I received in the mail today; I start chemo on Wednesday so everything is extremely welcome.


It meant the world to me to receive this care package. This whole process is hard and often very isolating, but finding folks like you helps to create that community of caring to get through it all. That little pillow designed for chemo ports is so helpful to me since I attached it to my seatbelt rather than putting a towel there since the belt rubs against the area of treatment. It’s much softer and makes it easier to drive without friction on my pelvic/stomach area.


I did receive it! Thank you so much, it definitely made me smile when I was having a rough day. And the port pillow has been very helpful. Thank you again, for everything.


I did receive my chemo kit…thank you SO MUCH for being such a blessing to so many!


I received the Chemo Care Kit on a particularly low day. I appreciate you and what you’re doing!!!


The port pillow is a lifesaver! Thank you so much for all you do!


I am beyond grateful for you guys! Thank you so much!


Thank you so much for my amazing kit! It’s amazing what you’re doing for all of us.


The cushion for the seatbelt is awesome, now I can use the seatbelt normally, everything else is great. Thank you so much, and I hope as soon as my nightmare is over, I can help someone else. I appreciate you.


Thank you so much. I love the Chemo Care Kit. God bless what you are doing for others that are going through treatments or warriors that have survived.


It’s organizations like this that bring light into this journey. I appreciate all that you are doing. This definitely isn’t easy but so glad to have found y’all.


Thank you so much for the sweet blessing of the care package. I truly appreciate it.


I did receive the Chemo Care Kit, and I’m so grateful! Thank you so much, I really appreciate the sweet gesture, a lot of the items were so helpful through treatment.


Thank you so much! The Chemo Care Kit will definitely be helpful.


I did receive it!!! Thank you so very much! What a wonderful organization.


We wanted to thank you for the package and helping others like myself with cancer. It is people like you who really make a difference in our lives during treatment.


Make An Impact Today

Chemo Care Kits

Support Cancer Warriors Undergoing Chemo

Each donation of just $25 buys a kit that contains a pillow, comfy socks, lip balm, and a variety of goodies that these warriors deserve.

If you would like to request a Chemo Care Kit, click here.

A Message From Our Founder

I’m Rachel Minion, the co-founder of Beyond Basic Needs.

I was diagnosed with Cancer of the Appendix seven years ago in my mid-thirties. The minute you hear the word cancer, your life changes in ways only a cancer warrior can describe. Not only did it change for me, but for my entire support network.

After I recovered, I dedicated my life to helping other cancer warriors and friends in my support network.

In our attempt to change the world, my husband and I created Beyond Basic Needs to help our community thrive.

Rachel Minion

We Can Help

At Beyond Basic Needs, we are committed to providing hope to those in need. We offer a variety of programs and services designed to provide hope and support to those who need it most.

Beyond Basic Needs cancer warrior

Cancer Warriors

We help cancer warriors, like you, thrive.

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Beyond Basic Needs Chemo Care Kit


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Corporate Sponsors

We are grateful for our donors whose generous support enables us to continue making a positive impact for cancer warriors across the United States.

Sock Club
The Ginger People

Beyond The Blog

Impact is at the heart of everything we do at Beyond Basic Needs. We measure our success by the number of lives we can transform and the lasting change we can create in our communities.

Learn more about our story on Beyond the Blog.

Rebranding After Cancer

Rebranding After Cancer

Embrace your journey beyond diagnosis. Discover how to rebrand and reclaim your identity after going through a cancer journey.

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