Chemo Care Kit Request

A Chemo Care Kit is designed for cancer warriors undergoing chemotherapy. Each kit contains a port pillow, comfy socks, lip balm, and a variety of goodies that these warriors deserve.

If you would like to request a Chemo Care Kit, please fill out the form below. There is no charge for these kits as they are covered by donations.

These kits are for recipients based in the United States only at this time. Limit 1 kit per person/address.

Make a Donation

Thanks to generous donors, Chemo Care Kits are free of charge for cancer warriors undergoing chemo. 100% of the money we raise goes directly to the kits.

We will not sell your information. The information collected here will be utilized to ship the package. Your information is requested in case the address doesn’t register in our shipping systems.

Here are some of the goodies we include in each kit

Chemo Care Kits

The Port Pillow protects the port from the seatbelt.

Port Pillow