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Chemo Care Kits
A Chemo Care Kit is designed for cancer warriors undergoing chemotherapy. Each kit contains a port pillow, comfy socks, lip balm, and a variety of goodies that these warriors deserve.
A Port Pillow protects the port from the seat belt.
What People Are Saying About Our Chemo Care Kits
At Beyond Basic Needs, we meet cancer warriors where they are on their journey. Our Chemo Care Kits support cancer warriors through their treatments.
Beyond The Blog
Impact is at the heart of everything we do at Beyond Basic Needs. We measure our success by the number of lives we can transform and the lasting change we can create in our communities.
Learn more about our story on Beyond the Blog.
How to Help Your Coworker After a Medical Event
It’s almost astounding, but the data is there. Pre-COVID, we may have spent more time with our co-workers per week...
How Not to Tell Your Support Network You Have Cancer
by Rachel Minion and Jon Minion In theory, there is no right or wrong way to tell your support network you have...
A Beautiful Disaster – Part 2
by Rachel Minion and Jon Minion Fast forward to a few weeks after my appendix burst. I’m sitting in the surgeon’s...