Making an Impact During Women’s History Month

“March is the month of expectation.” – Emily Dickinson

What can we expect from this March?

For starters, it is a very important month for women worldwide as we commemorate Women’s History Month. From Beyond Basic Needs, we are dedicating this month to supporting women who are undergoing cancer treatments.

How can you help?

At Beyond Basic Needs, we provide hope to those in need. Help us create a better today for cancer warriors undergoing chemo. Here are a few ways you can support a cancer warrior today:


Donate a Chemo Care Kit

Our Chemo Care Kit program is designed to provide support to those who need it most. Click here to donate a Chemo Care Kit for a Cancer Warriors undergoing chemotherapy.
100% of all donations to Beyond Basic Needs go to fulfilling these kits at no cost to the recipient.



We connect people in need to technology that makes it easy to manage and get help for basic services, including food delivery, cleaning services, transportation, and other basic needs at no charge to the individual. We believe these services are imperative to improving the quality of life after a medical event. Click here to volunteer for Beyond Basic Needs.


Start a Fundraiser

At Beyond Basic Needs, we believe no one should go through cancer treatment alone, which is why we work daily to provide a better today for cancer warriors undergoing chemo. Click here to learn how to set up a fundraiser to benefit Beyond Basic Needs.

Together, we can continue to raise awareness about this disease while supporting these warriors in any way we can!
Beyond Basic Needs

Support Cancer Warriors Undergoing Chemo

We are running a special fundraiser right now to help warriors battling cancer all over the US. 

Each donation of just $25 buys a kit that contains a pillow, compression socks, lip balm, and a variety of goodies that these warriors deserve.

If you would like to request a Chemo Care Kit, click here.

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